Walking through the village you hear rumors and information that will surely help you on your adventure! Some of them can be found here, at no additional cost, in this repository of utilities and documents.
Walking through the village you hear rumors and information that will surely help you on your adventure! Some of them can be found here, at no additional cost, in this repository of utilities and documents.
Walking through the village you hear rumors and information that will surely help you on your adventure! Some of them can be found here, at no additional cost, in this repository of utilities and documents.
Heralds and gazetteers, bards and chroniclers, gather in this square to announce good news, and in the Tavern of the Fighting Cat they exchange casual chatter between mugs of mead.
Na estréia do Barba Podcast, temos o orgulho de receber Victor e Katz, designers do Arcana Primária RPG. Um jogo com a essencia Old School!
Um papo muito legal sobre preferências, estilo pessoal de cada um e o que levou eles a criarem o jogo.
A Arcana Primária convoca todos os aventureiros ao grande lançamento, que acontecerá em breve, dos livros Guia do Aventureiro, contendo suas regras e uma grande aventura e Tomo Metafísico, um repositório com centenas de magias. Grutas místicas e catacumbas pestilentas aguardam os corajosos.
Que os deuses tenham piedade com aqueles que buscam glória e fortuna!
Brainstorm Cast
Barba Podcast
Brainstorm Cast
Barba Podcast